Medical Reserve Corps
of Southern Arizona
Contact Us:
Call 202-643-5717
AZ ESAR-VHP is our Official Registration Site
The Emergency System for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals
1. Under the VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Heading, click YES for local response teams.
2. Under the ORGANIZATIONS heading, click on the drop down to select COUNTIES
3. Click on Organizations. A new window opens. Click the box for PIMA COUNTY, then click SELECT in the lower right corner.
4. Under ACCOUNT INFORMATION, complete USER NAME and PASSWORD and all subsequent areas designated by an asterisk (*). These are required fields.
5. Contact us with QUESTIONS at 202-643-5717 or email to:
Volunteer //
Public Health Team – Roles and Responsibilities under development.
MIRT Team -- Roles and Responsibilities under development
Shelter Team - Roles and Responsibilities under development
Community Outreach and Education Team
Program Planning Team – A dedicated group of members form the Program Planning Team. Responsibilities include development of the annual MRCSA training and exercise calendar, planning and hosting regularly scheduled meetings and coordinating special events.
Coordinator – The MRCSA Coordinator is responsible to oversee the day to day operation of the program. The Coordinator works with the various Teams, the Program Planning Team and the Board of Directors to ensure success in recruitment, retention, training and exercises. The Coordinator has the responsibility of developing and maintaining community partnerships, acting as the liaision to regional, state and national MRC and maintaining an organization that is responsive and resilient.
Recognizing that preparedness is a shared responsibility, it calls for the involvement of everyone—not just the government—in preparedness efforts. By working together, everyone can keep the nation safe from harm and resilient when struck by hazards, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and pandemics.
Whole Community includes:
Individuals and families, including those with access and functional needs
Faith-based and community organizations
Nonprofit groups
Schools and academia
Media outlets
All levels of government, including state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal partners
Licensure and Credentialing
Current licensure is not a requirement for medical professionals to volunteer with the MRCSA. However, volunteers who are acting in a medical response capacity which requires licensure or certification must possess current Arizona credentialing.
Inactive and active medical professionals are requested to provide license information as a part of their application and registration. Credentials and licenses will be verified semi-annually. The MRCSA Program Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that credentialing is current for volunteers who serve in a medical capacity.
In the event of a disaster or public health emergency, MRCSA members whose licenses have expired or were voluntarily relinquished may be prohibited from performing tasks such as vaccinating and prescribing medications. Their expertise and training is valuable and may be used in other areas. If an emergency is of sufficient magnitude, the Governor may waive licensure requirements and authorize retired and out-of-state medical professionals to perform medical procedures, in which case members whose licenses are inactive may be assigned in the same manner as those with current licensure.
Pro Bono License
The Arizona Medical Board offers an annual Pro Bono license for a doctor of medicine who is not licensed to practice in Arizona, valid for sixty days each year.
Applicants must hold an inactive and unrestricted license pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 32-1431.
Applicant must never have had a license revoked or suspended.
Applicant is not the subject of an unresolved complaint.
Applicant must apply annually.
Applicant agrees to provide all medical services without accepting a fee or salary.
For more information, contact the MRC office or the Arizona Medical Board.
Community resilience, or the sustained ability of a community to withstand and recover from adversity has become a key policy issue at federal, state, and local levels, including in the National Health Security Strategy. Because resources are limited in the wake of an emergency, it is increasingly recognized that resilience is critical to a community's ability to reduce long recovery periods after an emergency.
The purpose of the National Health Security Strategy (NHSS) is to refocus the patchwork of disparate public health and medical preparedness, response, and recovery strategies in order to ensure that the nation is prepared for, protected from, and resilient in the face of health threats or incidents with potentially negative health consequences.
For more information,go to:
Volunteer Registration
MRCSA welcomes licensed health and medical personnel, including nurses, nurse practitioners, veterinarians, pharmacists, doctors, chiropractors, physician assistants, and dentists. Non-medical volunteers fill essential administrative and support functions.
Please complete the ESAR-VHP registration See Above!
Volunteering can have a significant effect on your own health. Research presented by the Corporation for National and Community Service shows a strong relationship between volunteering and health; those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.
See 'The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research' for more information:
Professional development is essential for maintaining a committed, competent, and capable volunteer corps. MRCSA will align its investments in training and education to support its mission and to achieve its vision. Strategies to achieve this objective include:
Leadership competencies and capabilities
MRCSA new member orientation
MRC Core Competencies
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Incident Command System (ICS)
CPR/First Aid/AED
Shelter Management
ECCC Training
Infection Control Training
Immunization Training
Pandemic Influenza Planning, Preparedness and Response
Points of Dispensing, Medical Counter Measures and Strategic National Stockpile Orientation
Alternate Care Sites, Overflow Treatment Areas, Hospital Surge and Mass Casualty
Bioterrorism Readiness
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Cultural Awareness
Arizona ESAR-VHP
ESAR-VHP, the Emergency System for the Advance Regsitration of Volunteer Health Professionals, enables the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), local health departments and emergency management to rapidly identify and mobilize health care volunteers.
The system enables hospitals and other medical entities to meet crisis and surge capacity needs and ensure the continuance of critical health care services.
MRCSA encourages all volunteers to register with ESAR-VHP.
To register, go to
For more information, contact MRCSA at 202-643-5717