Our Mission
The mission of the Medical Reserve Corps of Southern Arizona (MRCSA) is to improve the health and safety of communities across Pima County and Southern Arizona by organizing and utilizing medical, public health, and non-medical volunteers.
MRCSA Vision
The Medical Reserve Corps will be recognized as the primary public health volunteer organization in Southern Arizona - addressing the Surgeon General’s priorities to improve health literacy, promote disease prevention, eliminate health disparities, and improve public health preparedness.

About MRCSA //

MRCSA Core Values
Service to the Community – We are volunteers committed to educating and assisting the residents of Southern Arizona prepare for and respond to unanticipated events that threaten their safety and wellbeing.
Preparedness – We strive to maintain the health and safety of self, family, neighborhood and the Southern Arizona region through our participation in training, drills and exercises, and sharing the knowledge gained with the residents of our community.
Collaboration – We work collegially with other Southern Arizona agencies to plan for and respond to disasters impacting our community.

MRCSA is community-based and provides opportunities for those volunteers who donate their time and expertise to prepare for and respond to emergencies and promote healthy living throughout the year. MRCSA volunteers supplement existing emergency and non-emergent health care resources. MRCSA volunteers are physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, mental health professionals, veterinarians, epidemiologists and students in healthcare career tracks.
The Medical Reserve Corps program provides the structure necessary to deploy medical and non-medical personnel in response to an emergency, disaster or a specific community need. MRC identifies, trains and credentials personnel who are available and ready to respond. At the national level, the MRC program is managed by the Office of Citizen Voluntary Medical Reserve Corps (OCVMRC), which is headquartered in the Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR). Locally, the Medical Reserve Corps of Southern Arizona operates as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation and is managed by a Board of Directors. MRCSA is comprised of active and retired health care professionals and other interested volunteers who are pre-trained, pre-screened, and registered and who can be deployed to augment the health care system in a disaster or public health emergency. The MRCSA prepares volunteers to support emergency response including mass immunization, mass dispensing of pharmaceuticals, special needs sheltering and field triage stations (casualty collection points) as well as non-emergent community health projects.

Medical Reserve Corps is incorporated into both state and local emergency response and recovery plans.
In addition to emergency response, MRCSA addresses national MRC goals of promoting prevention, preparedness and mitigation - important risk reduction measures for the community. This is a proactive, community based, cost effective method of reducing vulnerability to disaster and at the same time, building healthy, prepared communities; all the while supporting and implementing the Surgeon General’s priorities.