MRCSA Volunteer Training
Welcome to our Virtual Training Series.
We have complied a wide range of training opportunities which we hope you will find to be both interesting and informative.
The individual training courses are divided into BASIC - ADVANCED and GENERAL INTEREST.
We encourage you to take advantage of these excellent virtual training opportunities, as well as those offered as in-person classroom, hands-on training.
Mass Dispensing Clinic - Just in Time Training - Boston Public Health Commission/De Valle Institute for Emergency Preparedness - 30 minutes
By the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
Define the purpose of a Mass Dispensing Clinic
List causes for activation of a Mass Dispensing Clinic
Identify key roles and responsibilities within a Mass Dispensing Clinic
Describe how ICS is applied in a Mass Dispensing Clinic
The National Environmental Health Association - 1 hour NEHA hosted this webinar that features Karla Black, emergency preparedness coordinator at the Kent County Health Department in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She discusses incorporating environmental health response to flooding, Ebola planning, and vapor intrusion. Additionally, Black provided an overview of Grand Rapids Health Department's radiation exercise.
Operational Training for Shelter Workers - Red Cross - 45 minutes
The purpose of this course is to prepare shelter workers to deliver high quality service to clients in Red Cross shelters.
Sheltering in a COVID-19 Environment - Red Cross - 22 minutes
HHS emPower Program - Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
The HHS emPOWER Program, a partnership between ASPR and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides dynamic data and mapping tools, as well as training and resources, to help communities protect the health of more than 4.2 million Medicare beneficiaries who live independently and rely on electricity-dependent durable medical and assistive equipment and devices, and essential health care services. The emPOWER Map gives every public health official, emergency manager, hospital, first responder, electric company, and community member the power to discover the electricity-dependent Medicare population in their state, territory, county, and ZIP Code.
On 1 October 2017, Lacey Newman’s life changed forever. While attending the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, a gunman opened fire. While many, including Lacey, began to run, a lot of attendees thought the gunfire was fireworks, and they falsely believed there was no cause for alarm.
After ducking for cover a few times, Lacey realized she had been shot in the leg and was bleeding profusely. Her friend, with no prior medical training, sprang into action. She took Lacey to a safe space and called out for help; a passerby stopped and provided a belt. They applied a makeshift tourniquet to Lacey’s leg, while her friend applied pressure to the wound, primarily using her entire body weight to stop the bleeding. Thankfully, these efforts saved Lacey’s life, and she was able to make a full recovery. - 35 minutes
Here's the link to a July 2020 interview with Lacey Newman:
The Flying Samaritans is an on-campus organization at the University of Arizona. The primary purpose of the organization is to provide health care for the indigent people of Mexico.
They offer an incredible opportunity for students interested in medicine and other health professions to get involved in providing care for underserved populations. It not only allows students the chance to get hands-on clinical experience, but also provides for the cultural exchange that promotes growth as global citizens and fights disparities in global health.
Learn about the Flying Sams and how you can become involved. - 7 minutes
Resilient You : What to do in an Emergency - Amanda Ripley, author of The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - and Why - 36 minutes
A senior writer for Time magazine, AMANDA RIPLEY has been extensively involved in the magazine’s “Person of the Year” cover stories and now writes about homeland security and risk in Washington, D.C. Her disaster reporting recently helped Time win two National Magazine Awards.
Today, nine out of ten Americans live in places at significant risk of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorism, or other disasters. Tomorrow, some of us will have to make split-second choices to save ourselves and our families. How will we react? What will it feel like? Will we be heroes or victims?
A Tale of Preparedness and Disaster - Keep Mayhem to a Minimum - 3 minutes - City of Kansas City
Ready - Department of Homeland Security
Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement. Topics and Resources include: Disasters & Emergencies, Make A Plan, Get Involved, Ready Business and Ready Kids.
Introduction to the Incident Command System - IS-100 - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on MRC TRAIN - 2 hours
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
Explain the principles and basic structure of the Incident Command System (ICS).
Describe the NIMS management characteristics that are the foundation of the ICS.
Describe the ICS functional areas and the roles of the Incident Commander and Command Staff.
Describe the General Staff roles within ICS.
Identify how NIMS management characteristics apply to ICS for a variety of roles and discipline areas.
Continuous Chest Compression CPR - UArizona- Sarver Heart Center
Chest compression-only CPR is a CPR method that doubles a person’s chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest. The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center Resuscitation Research Group is world-renowned for decades of research that has led to new CPR guidelines that advocate this new method. - 6 minutes
Sixteen-year-old Erika Yee saved a classmate, Chris Miller, with chest compression only CPR. He survived because of her heroic efforts and her training. Because she knew what to do when she recognized the signs of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) — she was able to save this young man. - 3 minutes
Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and a call-to-action. Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
Psychological First Aid - National Child Traumatic Stress Network - 6 hours
This professionally-narrated course is for individuals new to disaster response who want to learn the core goals of PFA, as well as for seasoned practitioners who want a review. It features innovative activities, video demonstrations, and mentor tips from the nation’s trauma experts and survivors. PFA intervention strategies are intended for use with children, adolescents, parents and caretakers, families, and adults who are survivors or witnesses exposed to disaster or terrorism. PFA can also be provided to first responders and other disaster relief workers.
Volunteer Stress, Compassion Fatigue and Self Care - MRCSA - 2 Hours
This is a recording of the MRCSA June workshop presented by Dr. Cynthia Ruich, Lois Marecek and Mike Carter. This is a three part video: Compassion Fatigue and Self Care; Stress Out Takes and Spiritual Care in Times of Crisis. (Please note: the first 10 minutes are audio only)
Emergency Civilian Casualty Care - 2 Hours ( Check the MRCSA Calendar for details)
E3C teaches the newest advances in lifesaving trauma care, including the proper use of tourniquets, traumatic and life-saving wound treatment, triage, violent encounters, situational awareness and community resilience.
Emergency Civilian Casualty Care was established in February, 2014 by Dr. Sheldon Marks and Battalion Chief Kris Blume for civilian training, based on the military's Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC).
CDC Hand Hygiene Resource Page - 15 minutes
This course is intended for healthcare providers and reviews key concepts of hand hygiene and Standard Precautions.