Introduction to Call Center Operatons - February 15
Location: 350 S. Toole Avenue (Pima County Health Department - Call Center)
Time: 9:00-11:30 am
The WHAT - WHERE - WHY and HOW of Call Center operations and opportunities for MRCSA volunteers.
OKAY, So What is HOSA?
HOSA - Future Health Professionals - has been an MRCSA partner for more than a decade. The mission of this dynamic student organization is - "To empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration and experience".
We welcome HOSA members from across Arizona to Tucson for their annual Spring Conference at the Tucson Convention Center, March 17-19
To learn more about HOSA, go to: https://www.hosa.org
Shelter Support Team -
Nark your calendars!
Saturday, March 15
Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: American Red Cross - 3470 E. Universal Way, Tucson 85756
Saturday, April 19
Red Cross Shelter Rodeo - A Hands On Exercise with our Shelter Team partners.
Location and time TBA.
Welcome to our new MRCSA board members!
MRCSA is pleased to welcome new members to our Board of Directors.
Harry Anthros
Cathy Geisert MD
Howard Zveitel DO
They join current board members:
Keith Boesen PharmD
Harry McDermott MD
Lois Marecek
Sheldon Marks MD
Steve Nash
Mary Stebbins RN
MRCSA Core Competencies Training Courses and Levels
Level 3: Introductory
Personal & Family Preparedness
Blood Borne Pathogens
Psychological First Aid
Environmental Health during a Disaster
Disability and Disasters
Cultural Awareness
FEMA IS 100 (Incident Command)
Level 2: Intermediate
SNS Overview
Caring for Older Adults
Risk Communication
Level 1: Advanced
Responder Health and Safety
FEMA IS 200 (ICS for Initial Response)
Roles of Health Literacy in Disaster Response
The MRC Core Competencies serve as a national standard for training and provide the "common language" with which we communicate volunteer capabilities to other MRC units and to our community partners.
The Core Competencies are aligned into four MRC learning paths:
Volunteer Preparedness
Volunteer Response
Volunteer Leadership
Volunteer Support for Community Resiliency.